JFS matches employers with qualified employees without a finder’s fee or any financial cost for the employer, and works with employers to ensure employees are trained and ready for employment opportunities, and to help problem solve any emerging issues.Refugees are work authorized by the US government upon arrival to the country. They have a Social Security number within three weeks of entering the country and are future US citizens.
Hi Tatyana,I wanted to take a moment to thank you and the whole team at Jewish Family Services. We have been working with you to fill some of the many open positions we have at all three of our restaurants. The individuals you send over are some of the best employees we have ever had. They are all professional, eager to learn, hard working and great team players.And while you always thank us for employing them and giving them a great first chance in our wonderful country, we feel like we should thank you and Jewish Family Services for making our team better and stronger with the addition of the individuals you send to us.I look forward to continuing working with you in the future. And as always, send me anyone new looking for work!Best regards,Ralph SantanielloOwnerThe Federal Restaurant GroupThe Federal Restaurant & Bar, Catering, 135 Cooper Street, Agawam, MAthefederalrestaurant.comPosto by The Federal, Longmeadow Shops, 674 Bliss Road, Longmeadow, MApostoitalian.comVinted Wine Bar & Kitchen, Blue Back Square, 63 Memorial Road, West Hartford, CTvintedwinebar.comIf you anticipate job openings and would like to hire refugees, please contact JFS Employment Coordinator, Tatyana Abashina at t.abashina@jfswm.org. Or if youwould like to partner with JFS to design a work training program to prepare refugees for work in your industry, please contact JFS Employment Specialist, Rebecca Steinberg at r.steinberg@jfswm.org.