Did you know that our JFS Staff has doubled in size? Our staff now numbers over 90, and desk space has been a significant challenge since we returned to the office post-pandemic. Working with Conklin Furniture, we were able to furnish our offices with work space for 20 employees. We love our new “desk farm”!

We also love our shinny new box truck! Our new truck will allow us to pick up donations and distribute them to our current clients in a more timely manner, and to set up apartments for newly arriving refugees. Until now, we’ve been dependent on the availability of U-Haul truck rentals. Our new truck will allow us to better support the needs of our clients, and will also add a much needed capacity for our Reception and Placement team for many years to come!

If you have household items to donate to JFS, please visit the Donate Goods page on our website at https://www.jfswm.org/donate-goods/. There you’ll find a form to fill out and we will contact you as soon as possible to facilitate your donation.