Contact: Galina Abashina, Marketing and Development Coordinator, (413) 455-1936 x106

Springfield – One again, thanks to generous support from BigY World Class Market, Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the community, Jewish Family Service of Western MA (JFS) distributed bags of kosher-for-Passover food to hundreds of households in Western Mass. A long-standing program at JFS, the annual Passover Project serves Jewish households with limited financial resources. This program also provides seats at community-sponsored Seders for over 30 individuals who would not be able to attend otherwise.

Dedicated volunteers deliver food packages to area synagogues, adult day care centers, senior living communities, and community centers in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties. These organizations then distribute the bags to their Jewish constituents so that each can set their own Seder table.

This project reaches the most vulnerable groups– isolated elders and people facing economic hardship. Passover bags are also delivered to over 20 homebound elderls through the Springfield Jewish Community Center’s kosher meals-on-wheels program. “The JFS Passover Project is a vital resource that many rely on in our community. Thank you to our board, staff, volunteers and donors who make this project happen year after year. Know that when you opened the door for Elijah at your Seder, you have opened your hearts and touched our hearts as well,” said Maxine Stein, JFS President & CEO.

This project would not be possible without the support of local Jewish day schools. This year, 5th and 6th grade students from Lander-Grinspoon Academy and Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy packed the bags at the JFS office inside the Springfield JCC. The student volunteers and their educators eagerly engaged in this hands-on mitzvah – a charitable, good deed. A sincere thank you to all the extraordinary donors, volunteers and community partners that help JFS continue the tradition of giving the Gift of Passover to the most vulnerable in the Jewish community!