Springfield – Did you know that Jews are at higher risk to develop hereditary breast and ovarian cancer than the rest of the population? One in 40 Ashkenazi Jews- men and women- carries a BRCA gene mutation, nearly 10 times the rate of the general population. Recent studies show that Sephardic Jews may also be genetically predisposed to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

To learn more, join Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts for Jewish Genetics 101: What you should know about breast cancer and inheritance on Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Lander Grinspoon Academy, 257 Prospect St., Northampton, MA. Free and open to the public.

Staff from the Family Cancer Risk Program of Baystate Medical Center will present on the BRCA genes, associated cancer risks, when to test, family history, options for treatment, emotional consequences and insurance concerns. National resources will be available and time will be set aside for questions and answers with experts in the field. Light refreshments will be served.

Please pre-register. Email info@jfswm.org or call 413.737.2601.
Co-sponsored by Family Cancer Risk Program of Baystate Medical Center and Lander Grinspoon Academy.

Visit www.jfswm.org for more information about JFS programs and services.

Since 1915, Jewish Family Service has been providing exceptional social services, grounded in Jewish values, to support and empower individuals and families from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds.

Jewish Family Service of Western MA is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Western MA.