
100% Employment Rate for our Afghan Clients!

100% Employment Rate for our Afghan Clients!

Tatyana Abashina, our dedicated JFS Employment Coordinator, reported at our November staff meeting that 100% of our Afghan clients seeking work are now employed! In addition, Tatyana continues to have great success in securing employment for our other refugee clients,...

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JFS Pilots New Afterschool Soccer Program!

JFS Pilots New Afterschool Soccer Program!

JFS will run an afterschool soccer program at Emergence Academy Middle School in Springfield from January to June, 2023. Emergence Academy provides students with limited or interrupted education with a strong foundational educational experience. Many JFS clients...

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JFS Volunteer Legal Team Goes Above and Beyond!

JFS Volunteer Legal Team Goes Above and Beyond!

Our JFS Volunteer Team of 16 attorneys is astonishing. We truly cannot thank them enough for their legal support for JFS Afghan evacuees. The estimated donated time for our legal team volunteers this 2022 Fiscal Year (Oct. 1, 2021 – Sept. 30, 2022) totals 5,465 hours,...

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