
JFS Client Honored as Employee of the Month!

JFS Client Honored as Employee of the Month!

Naing Htay Lwin, was recently honored as Employee of the Month by the Hilton Garden Inn in Springfield. We are so proud of Lwin’s accomplishments and hard work! Lwin arrived in the U.S. as a refugee from Burma on April 5th, 2022. He was eager to begin...

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LGA Sixth Grade Students Help Welcome New Americans!

LGA Sixth Grade Students Help Welcome New Americans!

Thank you to the Lander-Grinspoon Academy Kitah Vav/Sixth Grade students for setting up an apartment for an arriving refugee family. With just a few days notice, the class went shopping with money they had raised from selling crabapple jelly in the fall, and were able...

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We Appreciate Our Volunteers

We Appreciate Our Volunteers

Just a few weeks ago, we were delighted to celebrate our wonderful volunteers with a party at our Welcome Center in their honor! JFS volunteers contribute their time, effort, skills and expertise to help make our work possible. We are indebted to each and every one of...

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Refugee Mentoring

Refugee Mentoring

Volunteers in our Refugee Youth Mentoring Program help mentees explore their educational and career options. Matches meet on a weekly basis online or in-person to explore interests, educational and job opportunities, or other goals as the program sees fit. Successful...

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In-Kind Volunteers

In-Kind Volunteers

In-Kind Volunteers help sort and organize donated items to furnish apartments for newly arriving refugee families. We are especially grateful to one of our very industrious volunteers, who together with her friends, purchases supplies needed to fully furnish the...

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HOST Teams

HOST Teams

We began 2022 with 16 HOST teams that came together to support newly arriving refugees. The HOST teams worked intensively with families to help them with medical appointments, school registration, employment opportunities, housing issues, public benefits, and many...

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